Organ donation is a serious matter. Sadly, every day people who have been waiting on the transplant list die. The reality is there are just not enough donors. For some, the thought of organ donation is too personal. The process of surgeons cutting out organs and butchering the body is too much. Another common misconception is that while you are dying and the ambulance is in route to the hospital, if the paramedics see that you’re an organ donor, they will drive around pointlessly until you die. Believe it or not, some people actually do think this happens. Regardless, this is simply not true. A lack of awareness concerning organ donation creates a lack of matches for people in need of transplants.
In order to bridge the gap between the lack of donors and the list of people who die waiting for organs, I believe organ donation should be mandatory. Although this would create a lot of conflict, especially in a country where freedoms are plentiful, it would solve the problem and save lives desperately in need. Think of it this way, if you could solve world hunger by pushing a button that would send all of the food you throw away to a 3rd world country, would you do it? I know the idea seems far fetch, but I’m sure the majority of people would do it! In the least, it would save you money on trash bags and electric bills! So, why waste food that is still consumable? My point is, why waste organs that are still viable? Just like food, organs that are left in a dead body go to waste. Let’s face it, after we die we decompose and every part of our body is rendered useless. Since organs are so much more valuable than food, at least to Americans, what is the purpose in burying or burning them? If I were to ever lose a loved one, even a child, knowing that a part of them lives on through someone else would be easier to deal with than knowing that no part of them did.
These are only a few of the reasons why organ donation should be mandatory. If I were to list all of them, the list would be as long as the transplant list, or perhaps even longer. The bottom line is, organs and life should not be wasted. I believe that one day, there will be a law to enforce “recycling” organs. In the meantime, let’s use our brains, our voice, and our hearts to accept and promote life.
I agree that organ donation is very logical. It can help many people who have diseases that they either contracted or were born with. I, however, so not think it should be mandatory; I think it should be the persons choice. I think it should be left up to the person if their body parts will go to someone else who needs them. Some people do not want this but I think it is because they have the wrong idea about organ donation. Maybe if more awareness was brought up about it instead of making it mandatory, then more people would donate.
ReplyDeleteOrgan donation is a great way to help others. I personally believe that if I am not going to use it then give it to someone that can. I understand that many people do not want to donate their organs when the die because of religious reasons or because they just do not want to. I think tha Lanie is right when saying that many people have the wrong idea when it comes to organ donations. If more people would be informed on this topic then maybe more people's lives would be saved
ReplyDeleteOrgan doning is a excellent way to help someone that is in need of an organ transplant. However, i do not think that it should be mandatory. Making organ doning mandatory will just pull people further away form the process. it should be the persons own decision if they want to donate or not. Having awareness about the organ donating process will help individuals to fully understand it.
ReplyDeleteI totally believe that organs should be mandatory. Organs that are still usable should definitely be passed on to others in need. We are going to die and decompose, donating a lung or another organ will not stop that from happening. The wait for organs is so tragic and by informing more people about the donation process this problem could be solved.