Everyday in America people are killed; the murder is not biased to men, women, or children nor do they care whether you are black or white or any other race. Guns do not care who you are, they will simply take your life. America has some laws that prevent certain people from owning various firearm; such as minors and criminals. But is that really enough? Why should people's life be put in jeopardy by some untrained gunman who owns a powerful handgun for "self-defense." The United States needs to do more to protect it's citizens!
Guns are terrifying weapons that have been around for nearly a thousand years. Today in America, guns are as common as automobiles. Anybody can go out to a gun store and buy a pistol for self-defense. There is nothing stopping a criminal from going to the same store and buying the same gun to go do what criminals do, commit crimes! There have to be fail safes that stop criminals from being able to purchase any type of weapons. These fail safes are gun control laws. With gun control laws the United States can outlaw the purchase of guns by anyone other than law enforcement officers. With only law enforcement officers having possession of guns the murder rate will go down because less people will have access to the guns, therefore crime will go down.
I do not believe everything stated in this post. I do agree we do need some stricter laws on gun control. I, however, do not think that only law enforcement officers should carry weapons. If you are convicted of a felony, you can not buy a weapon LEGALLY. There is a database that has all the convicted criminals that gun stores are Supposed to check before selling a gun. Depending on which type of gun also, their is a lot of paperwork before purchasing the weapon. This is a great gun control law that is in effect today. In Austrailia, the government did, as you have stated and let "only the law officers" purchase guns and made all the people turn in their weapons. The LAW-Abiding citizens turned in their weapons, while the Criminals who recieved their guns illegally did not. This turned out dreadful because the criminals realized that modern people did not have any form of gun protection, and this made the crime rate soar. I am also a hunter and have gone through gun safety classes and reliased the danger of guns. I will admit this comment is biased from a Conservative's point of view however.