Thursday, February 10, 2011

Against the use of Performance Enhancement Drugs in Professional Sports

For over the past decade, performance enhancing drugs has been one of the largest topics in the professional sports industry. In a world where winning is the key to success and fame, common sense is put on the back burners for a few more hits in a season or a few more yards in a game.

There is no doubt, through medical research and actual testimony, that steroid use is harmful for the body. According to the Mayo Clinic, which is a nationally known medical group, the use of steroids and other performance enhancing drugs can put you at risk for many things. Headlining this list is liver abnormalities, decrease of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and cholesterol, and risk of future infections and diseases.

In addition to that short list I just gave you, which is about a fifth of the list on the Mayo Clinic’s website, you have to remember the most common thought when it comes to steroids, man boobs and the shrinking of testicles. Come on guys, you don’t want that! One of the more noticeable changes to a person comes with their mood. Steroids and other performance enhancers increase testosterone, leading you to a sort of bi-polar disorder called “roid rage”.

So why is there even an argument for allowing athletes to use these drugs? If these drugs have such a negative effect on your body, what makes it so worth while?

Will there be a point in the future where athletics takes over this country and to be a success, you have to be a good ball player by using performance enhancing drugs? In today’s society, we are elevating athletes to the same platform as gods, giving the next generation of kids a reason to want to be the “elite athlete.” With this pressure to become a great athlete brings the pressure to dope. I am a former athlete; I have been pressured many times to use some sort of illegal drug. The pressure is there and is constant with the majority of athletes.

Telling athletes that they are allowed to use performance enhancers is like condemning them. I am sure with some of the major sports, allowing athletes to make a choice is like telling students that they can be lazy in all of their classes and pass with flying colors. The majority of them will do it if given the chance, but you’re throwing them to the wolves. When these athletes retire, they will have a broken body which will eventually turn to a fat body, and they will most likely have some sort of problem, whether it is a live abnormality or some other disease.

Lets have more love for our athletes, truth be told, some are not the smartest, so lets not make them face the decision of bigger bodies and better stats, or having to work hard to achieve. Overall, they will be no achieving in sports anymore, you may work hard but you are using stuff that will increase your results, kind of like cheating on a test.

So in conclusion, to give athletes a choice as a person in power would be greedy, because overall, you want a better product, even though you already have the best product. Keep the doping rules the same because, as an employer of athletes, you should care about their health!


  1. I agree with everything in this post. There is a reason steroids are prohibited in the first place and the rules should stay the same. I personally don't see the point in temporary gain when the results can be permanently devastating. For someone to put their life in jeopardy just for a game is plain stupid. The rules on steroid usage are put in place to keep athletes safe and to keep the game fair. It is understandable that some people will do anything to win and this is a good trait most of the time but steroids is taking it too far. The rules on steroids should stay the same!

  2. Yes, I agree that steriods and performance enhancing drugs do have a negative effect on the body. I also think the World does place athletes on a higher level than the other citizens, but I think after all of the work athletes put in day after day is well deserved if they are in fact doing it on pure talent and perseverance. Also, these athletes need to think about the kinds of examples they are setting for today's youth, which is an even bigger reason to stay clean and just play your own game.

  3. I completely agree that steroids are harmful to the human body. Why would any athlete want to put their life at risk? I think steroids are pointless to take because your not just affecting yourself, but also everyone around you. Like Megan said, these athletes need to set a good example so that many young kids can look up to them.

  4. Its proven facts that steriods don't provide the human body with any kind nutrient value. Even though all the horrible side effects are known the use of steriods has seemed to incline rather than decline, and your post hits the nail on the head with the anwser of why. Athletes of all sports are constantly being challenged by younger and better players. To be able to stay one step ahead of the younger athelets these people feel the pressure to better and this is when the use of steriods comes into play. That does not make it right by any mean, and the reality is if you need a drug to make you play well than you most likely don't need to be playing anymore.

  5. The performance enhancement drug shouldn't be used because it's not healthy and taking this drug could lead to dangerous side effects. Athelets should feel confident with themselves and not worry about what others think of them and should try their best when playing sports.Staying healthy and motivated should be the key to staying on top not the performance enhancement drug.

  6. Fascinating commentary on performance enhancing drugs. I just re-watched an old episode of Buffy the Vampire slayer that was a commentary on the negative effects of such drugs. In this episode the members of the swim team literally turned into monsters because of the drugs. It was a bold statement against such drugs.

  7. I also agree that the rules on steroids should remian the same. The reason these performance enhancing drugs are prohibited is due to their harmful effects on the body, as well as to keep athletes safe, and keep the fairness in the sports games. Athletes should simply rely on their own personal talent, rather than relying on a drug to help them succeed.

  8. Steroids are a harm to the body and the rules should stay the same. If you really had a passion for whatever sport it is, you should try your very best in it. You shouldn't need enhancement drugs to make you better in the sport. It may make you feel better when you're on top, but it's not worth harming your body.
