The first thought that came to mind when all of this uproar of the World ending was, "Are people actually believing this?" Of course we have all seen movies on the apocalypse and doomsday, but how would anyone really know when the World will come to an abrupt halt? Another thought I had was "If the World really was coming to an end, there was no way of stopping it, so why stress?" If the World ended in the next five minutes no matter how long people tried to prepare for it, it would simply still end. There is no way around it; no matter how many underground shelters and weird preparations anyone did. Finally, my last thought was "Would I be proud of the way I lived my life when the World ended?" This question scares me more than the World ending itself. After all it is our most valuable asset here on Earth, the dignity and value of our own short lives.
Are all of these predictions and prophecies faulty or do they actually have some evidential proof? From what I can interpret and see all of these prophecies are false. Even though some say the planets are aligning and the poles are disappearing how are we to know this is true? For example it is like having the weatherman tell you it is going to be a bright sunshine filled day and suddenly you go outside for a picnic to find its pouring raining. Even experts make mistakes. I would not trust any prophets or so called experts if they told me the World would end tomorrow.
Some people really do believe that the world is going to end. I don't believe that the world is going to end anytime soon. Honestly, I don't give it much thought. I also dont see how anyone would be able to calculate when it is going to end. Your right though there is no point in getting stressed about something that is completely out of your hands. Life is a fragile thing. It is here one minute and might not be here the next. The only thing that anyone can do is enjoy life while you still have it.
ReplyDeleteI think people just want something to worry about. Doom-saying and general panic-mongering works well in our culture (check out Fox news for expert panic-mongering). We tend to only tune into (usually negative) snippets of any one thing and then freak out. I remember that when I was in high school, there was a group that claimed that biblical Rapture would happen in 1992 (if memory serves) and then of course there was the Y2K panic.
ReplyDeleteClearly, neither of these predictions came true.
I do not think that people should stress about the world coming to an end. Everyone should cherish their lives and live for today and not tomorrow. No one has control over when the last day on Earth is. There have been a number of times when they said the world would come to an end. And so far nothing has happened.
ReplyDeleteI also think people just need something to worry about. I have many questions for the believers on this topic. How is it the Mayans could predict something so far into the future, but couldn't predict their own cultures demise? It seems like the last decade has had more theories for the end of the world, and none have come true. I can tell you I do not believe it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Theo, I just dont think about it all the time. I try to live a life optimistic and not worry about that like Megan said. Also my religious background and scripture states that only God knows when the world will end. If this is true then there is no point in trying to figure it out.
ReplyDeleteI dont believe the world will end in 2012. It may end in two seconds, tomorrow or even millions of years from now. We are not the ones to know when it will, so why worry about it? Its going to happen sooner or later so it is our responsibility to live life to the fullest and not stress about the uncontrolable.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, just because the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, doesn't mean the world will end then. Just like everyone else, I never took the time to really think of the world coming to a closure. No one can actually determine when it will happen, we just know that it eventually will.
ReplyDeleteScientist have studied this subject and says that we have nothing to worry about. I think I would agree with the technology we have now then that of when the Mayan calender was created.