Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Cost of Drinking and Driving

Each year nearly 10,000 people are killed in the United States alone as a result of driving under the influence of alcohol. Drinking and driving can slow down a person’s reaction time, as well as impair one’s judgment. According to the National Highway and Safety Administration, every 50 minutes another life is lost due to driving under the influence. Not only is drinking and driving very expensive, but you are also driving at the expense of your life as well as others.

Statistics show that on average 50 billion dollars is spent annually on car crashes related to driving impaired. This could include paying a ticket or losing your license if you are convicted of driving under the influence, which could be very costly. Also your insurance could increase by a large amount, or you may have to pay your hospital bill or possibly someone else’s. The monetary cost of drinking and driving is endless.

By drinking and driving, not only are you putting your life at risk but you are also putting the lives of innocent people in jeopardy. The decision to drink and drive is senseless and selfish. The old saying, “friends don’t let friends drive drunk,” is a motto that many people should follow. Many cities and towns throughout the United States often have taxi companies that offer free rides home to those that have had too much to drink during the holiday season. This is a great service and saves may lives.

If money is not important to you, then you should think about the other lives you are putting at risk before getting behind the wheel under the influence. The smartest thing to do is simply not drive while intoxicated. Driving is a privilege and not a right so it should be treated as one.


  1. I agree with everything said in this blog. Drinking and driving is a very selfish thing to do because you are putting other peoples lives in danger, not only yours. The statistics amaze me and I know they are going up every year which is terrible. Seeing how many people drink and drive and how many people they hurt by doing this is astonishing. Nothing good ever comes out of drinking and driving so i don't understand why people do it.

  2. My opinion is that if you drink and drive and get caught your license should not be suspended for a year. You should get your license taken away and never be able to get it back. Yeah its harsh but what if drunk driving kills someone do you want a license back in their hands after a year? Not me! Always make sure a DD is present because you never know how the night will end.

  3. I agree with everything Amy has stated. Drinking and driving is just not right. I drink but I am smart enough to always have a driver that I know will not drink. And if that person does drink I call someone else. Drinking and driving is just irresponsible. I do not know how I could drive intoxicated realizing that I am not only putting my life in danger, but others as well.

  4. I agree. No one should ever drink and drive. You're not only putting your life on the line, you're also putting others in danger. Even though it can be a one car accident, you could suffer tough consequences. If you decide to drink, have a back up plan. Get a buddy to pick you up or have a cab company's number in your phone. Think before you decide to drink and drive.

  5. I agree with everything stated in this blog. I believe that drinking and driving is a very selfish act. I agree that by drinking and driving, not only are you risking your own life, but you are putting others' lives at risk as well. It is a shame that 10,000 people in the United States die each year due to such an irresponsible and selfish act.

  6. I agree with this. Drinking and driving is definitely irresponsible. When doing so, you are putting your life, anyone else in the car with you, and other people on the roads lives in jeopardy. It is really selfish to think that even with a little bit of drinking you are safe to drive. Calling a cab or having a designated driver is a safe bet if you plan on drinking. It could save your life.
