Saturday, February 26, 2011

Involuntary Smoking

Second hand smoke is a mixture of two smokes. It is the smoke from a cigarette and side stream smoke. This smoke comes from the end of the cigarette and from the smoke that the person blows out from inhaling. You may think they are the same but side stream smoke has a higher concentration of causing cancer than mainstream smoke does. Smokers have that choice to smoke when they want but they should also respect the right of the non-smokers who do not want to smoke.

We always see the sections in restaurants for the smokers and nonsmokers. This really does not help the nonsmokers at all. Truly what helps the nonsmokers is smoke free buildings and public areas. Over 126 million nonsmokers are exposed to second hand smoke. U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona calls this “involuntary smoking.” This causes lung cancer, heart disease, and other major illnesses. Just a brief pass through someone smoke can lead to major diseases. There is a chance that second hand smoke causes breast cancer but researchers are still looking for more evidence.

Smoking in public places can also harm children really bad. Children that are exposed to, too much second hand smoke are more likely to catch SID’s, lung infections, ear infections, and etc.

With smoking being banned at work places and major businesses helps lower the rate of smokers. They will always have second hand smoke from people smoking at their homes and cars. Preventing smokers to not smoke in public places and buildings is just a small start to stop second hand smoke.


  1. I agree. I know there are non smoking sections but i think that more is needed. I do not smoke and do not plan on it in the future so non smoking areas would be great. In the future I do not want my kids to be breathing in smoke harming their body. I want to have the healthiest kids they can be. But us non-smokers also have to think about where we can go. I go to bars but I am also aware that smoke will be there and that I cannot do anything about it so non-smokers need to respect smokers space and smokers need to respect the non-smokers.

  2. Smoking is very harmful to the smoker as well as the surrounding non-smoker. Sadly, many teenagers are starting this terrible habit causing their body danger. I think smoking should be banned in all restaurants because it is ridiculous for people to smoke while waiting for their food. By banning smoking in many other places people's bodies can remain healthy.

  3. I agree that smokers should respect non-smokers by not blowing second hand smoke their way. But also if a non-smoker knows of places that do not have bans on smoking inside and continue to go anyway, they are putting themselves in just as much risk as the smoker. Yet, it's not just the smokers fault. The fact that small children have no say in what these adults do shows a sad case for them. The parents are old enough to know what they are doing is wrong for them, but these children who develop illnesses from second hand smoke is unethical. If anything, parents should show sympathy for the children out of anyone.
