Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Its just one drink

Yes people have died from drinking and driving and yes it is very dangerous. Think about it there are many people who can take just one drink and be perfectly fine to drive. This is why when you just have like one little drink then you should be ok to drink and drive. Not only do I think that is ok but what if your hungry and there's no food at the party your at? Are you just supposed to starve? One drink shouldn't stop you from getting a meal in on a long night. Overall sometimes it is very convenient to just drive after a ingle drink. Now its totally opposite when your actually drinking a whole keg.


  1. Drinking and driving is a very dangerous situation for anyone to be in. No matter how many drinks someone has, they shouldn't drive if they have consumed alcohol. It is against the law, and is strictly enforced.

  2. Drinking and driving is a very dangerous thing and it is what many people die of today. I also agree that one beer or one drink will not hurt someone, and it won't affect someones alcohol level. Me and my friends always have a designated driver when we go out but sometimes it's not just yourself you have to watch out far. It is also the other drivers on the road. I think that people should just think before they act upon drinking and driving and realize that it is a very serious matter.

  3. Many people do not believe that having one or two drinks and driving is a big deal. Many people try to seem as thought they can drive just as well after a drink than before. I have seen people who actually could but this becomes a hazy and dangerous line. Many people do not know thier cut off limit and things go to far. Then almost everyone has those nights where everything is going fine and then all of the drinks that the person has consumed hit them like a ton of bricks. This is why it is always best to have a designated driver and even a back up designated driver. It is traggic that one night of fun could ruin the rest of your life and so many others.

  4. Drinking and driving is dangerous, but wach individual has their own alchol tolerance. therefore, they should know when drinking is becoming too much. i also do not think that drinking just one beer or one alchol beverage then taking the wheel behind a car is a safe thing to do. Besides drinking and driving is still against the law;therefore, no one should get behind a wheel and drive after drinking.

  5. I also believe that drinking one drink then driving is not as dangerous as many think but i feel that this opens the doors to more drinking and driving. If people see that they can have one drink and drive just as well as if they didn't have that drink then they might move to two and maybe three which can get very dangerous. If you are about to control yourself then I think it is fine but if it starts to get out of hand then it is very dangerous.

  6. It's been 4 years since I turned 21, and for me, drinking one drink has little to no affect on my mental ability. Now, when I first started to drink, you better believe that after drinking like half a smirnoff, I was blitzed! So I really think this just depends on the individuals tolerance. I don't think that just having one drink will put you over the legal limit; however, it does open up the door to drinking that 2nd or 3rd drink that will.
