Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Theo's View on Political News

In American society there are many Political news channels. With the inventions of smart phones, ipad, and laptops getting information can be as easy as pressing a few buttons. Something’s that come from this is biases, misconceptions and even false information at times. Listening to all of the politicians on the news can make anyone want to pull their hair out. Just about every political news channel claim not to have a political bias but it is obvious to see that they do. These types of news are some of reasons why people have the wrong idea about the country and other political parties. Only hearing one side of any story is going to leave someone without some sort of valuable information. These political news channels are not all completely terrible. A person can receive a lot of valuable information from these channels. On the same hand they can receive a ton of junk. These channels or news feed try and tell people what and how to think. When a person starts to think for themselves and listens to both sides of the spectrum then I believe that they become more informed. Looking into things and doing research for your self can become more valuable then listening to just one news station or type of news. It is hard to find anything that is non bias this is why listening to both sides and drawing your own conclusion is best. Politics are corrupt and so is their news. Looking beyond what you hear could surprise you in what you would find.

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